$55.00 USD


Aries New Moon Sunrise Sessions 🌅 (7 sessions)

Link your soul to Spirit ✨

What you'll get:

  • inner peace by aligning with Source
  • mental clarity so you can hear the voice of your soul
  • to dance to a fire ass playlist

This will happen 4/8 - 4/14 from 6:30 - 7:45 am EST


Aries New Moons are generally good for taking action – trying something new and innovative, and going at it with enthusiasm and confidence; It’s a time to be assertive, take charge of our lives, start a brand new project, and discover our courage.

It’s a powerful time to re-evaluate our relationship with ourselves. With this potent Aries energy, we can make important changes in our lives. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, and thus a New Moon in Aries is especially ripe with opportunity for new beginnings. We might consider acting on a constructive impulse and following a hunch or taking a risk. Aries learns through experience and action, so we might treat ourselves to a little adventure now.

It’s also a good cycle under which to discover the benefits of expressing ourselves with authenticity – expressing ourselves as we are, without putting on airs. We might also find ways to learn how to rely on ourselves and to be happy about doing so – it will go a long way towards finding inner happiness when we know that we can be self-sufficient without blaming others for not helping us out. It’s a time to revitalize ourselves through experiences that break the routine and that involve doing something new and fresh.

What People Are Saying:

After sunrise sessions, I feel amazing! I feel so fun, like it's fun again to just do life. And I feel safe. I feel free to receive, because I'm not so constricted, so I feel very open to receiving, and I trust, I feel very trusting that I'm divinely guided, divinely protected, and divinely, blessed. So, lots of good energy.


I had the gift of studying with Dijon for over a week in the mornings, and it brought such an incredible enlightenment to my day and my own spiritual journey. It was incredible. We have these great journeys throughout our night with our soul and our higher self through this dream world and this practice really helped me solidify and ground that into my daily waking life and pay honor and respect that higher self, that spirit within and make everything a spiritual journey throughout your day. It was such a great experience. I immediately noticed more mindfulness. I was picking up on little things I never noticed before, and I had so much more synchronicity in my everyday life that it really made me appreciate and cultivate that spiritual journey as a daily practice and every morning, starting your day with reverence, um, and how important that is, for your spiritual development. For me personally, it brought back a whole bunch of gifts that I, I thought I'd lost over time. That was so incredible to see reawakened and it really, again, made me so excited to embark on the spiritual journey and really wake up and be fully present with all of myself and my higher self. And that was a great gift. So, um, the poetry component was also. So beautiful because it really encourages you to ex express yourself and set an intention for your day and decide what you want now, and that was beautiful and I never had an experience like it. And I hope to do many more sessions with Dijon.


I was feeling really lost and feeling very depressed. I really wanted to shift my mood and get more on track with my goals and dreams. But I wasn't really feeling like I could do that, and I was in such a low place that I really felt like I needed some support and I ended up talking to Dijon about some things I was going through and he offered to help me. e started this Sadana and it's six months. so far the changes have been really good. I've had a huge shift in my mood throughout the day I now have a lot of tools that I can use to improve the way I'm feeling and after I do each practice each day, I feel much, much better about myself and about what I'm doing. There's tons of supplemental material as well outside of just the morning practice that he's given me that's been really, really helpful in shifting my spiritual perspective and shifting my perspective on how to go about life, in a way that's more aligned and more loving.
